The Bachelor of Science in Organizational Leadership is delivered fully online through a partnership with USG eMajor in collaboration with other University System of Georgia schools. Housed in University College, the program provides a true interdisciplinary opportunity. The degree allows for a large amount of student personalization through ample elective credits, as well as the possibility of credit for prior learning gained through various sources such as professional experiences, the military, training, community work, and personal study.

eMajor online programs are ideal not only for traditional students who wish to take advantage of online course delivery, but also for working professionals, military members, transfer students and others seeking alternative routes to degree completion.

Accepted? Find Out What to do Next!

Org LeadershipAdditional Info

Program Highlights

  • Room for miscellaneous transfer credit
  • Credit for prior learning
  • Accelerated 8-week terms
  • Personal success coaching
  • Free online tutoring
  • Affordable tuition - $199/credit hour


What can I do with this degree?

Public Service Concentration

The public service concentration prepares students for employment in any area of the public sector such as public safety, state and local public administration, and non-profit management. The program’s key focus on communication, ethics, organizational development, project management, and leadership prepares graduates to excel in positions across the private sector as well.


Social Justice Concentration

Courses in the social justice degree concentration in the organizational leadership degree program will provide appropriate frameworks and tools to assist students in analyzing complex issues and promoting social change. A concentration in social justice will prepare students to be the leaders of a paradigm shift and promote social equity change in law enforcement, the judicial system, the healthcare industry, and economics.

Important eMajor Information

The BS in ORGL is a collaborative degree offered online through USG eMajor. Some dates and policies may differ from the University of West Georgia. Please see important links below for current and future eMajor students at 在线博彩.

Request Info

Enrolling in an eMajor Program (the big picture)

  1. Before you can register for an eMajor class at 在线博彩, you must be an admitted student. If you are not a current student at 在线博彩, your first step is to apply for admission. A minimum GPA or amount of credit hours is NOT required in order to declare the major.
  2. Take the eMajor Introduction Quiz. All students are required to complete the introduction quiz before registering for an eMajor course. You must know your 在线博彩 student ID number as well as your 在线博彩 email address to complete the quiz.
  3. You will receive an email from the 在线博彩 eMajor liaison within 48 hours of completing the introduction quiz, which will include instructions on how to register for an eMajor class.

Request Information

Submit the eMajor Information Request Form or contact a 在线博彩 representative below.

BS in ORGL Academic Lead

Dr. Dylan McLean


在线博彩 Admissions 


eMajor Liaison

Morgan Kirby